Spring Break of Sorts

The count down to spring break is always brutal. The weather is still in the awkward light jacket stage, school seems so much longer than usual & you're in a time crunch to get that shamrock shake from McDonalds before it disappears.

Emalee's insta caption about google maps... totally true

Emalee's insta caption about google maps... totally true

A little anticipation can be good, especially when your friends are texting you about train tickets & outlet converters. I couldn't wait to see Madi & Em. Our cross country friendship got literal when they decided to board a plane to come visit me all the way in Sweden. Our week was full of old inside jokes inside of different bakeries as we stuffed our face with various desserts each day. We spent time in Stockholm & Gothenburg. I watched them ooh & awe over Gamla Stan, but immediately joined in when we arrived to Gothenburg & saw Haga for the first time. We got lost on public transit & shopped Vero Moda (Personal Fav European Store). The troopers even did all the bff poses I asked them to do. 

We only almost lost a backpack & wallet so I would say we handled ourselves pretty well throughout the entirety of the trip.  It's funny because life for all of us is drastically different now. We were missing the good old days when we would pick between Em's family mega snack drawer or Jimmy Johns for lunch. I love reminiscing as much as the next girl, but what made my trip with Madi & Emalee was seeing how happy they were in their current life & what they are looking forward to. It's weird that now our heart to hearts are talking about my wedding instead of a prom date, but I felt so blessed to see the foundation of Madi & Emalee's friendship. 


One of our favorite spots was the palm house in Gothenburg. Tropical plants are imported from all over the world to create this massive green house--also the lighting is impeccable, we took advantage of a photo op or two. Plus it was nice & toasty inside compared to the 40 + degrees that Em & Madi complained about all week. All & all the few days went by far too quickly & I'll admit it made me a little homesick to send them back home on the train. 

In a Nutshell: I caved & made a short video of our little excursion. Also I hope everyone acknowledges Madi's perfect hands & finger nail polish. I'm telling you, you get that girl with a chalac machine & some bobby pins & she can make anything possible. Lot of love to Madi & Emalee. 

Malia Braun