Hallå Sweden
I am a huge advocator that things happen for a reason. I even get as crazy as to think that when two good songs play in a row on Pandora that somehow, someway it happened just for me. That's kind of how this study abroad opportunity surfaced.
We're taught from a young age that our life is our own. And lately, I've found that to be untrue. It isn't a bad thing to include people we love in our lives. In fact, sharing our lives with people we love is arguably the greatest thing about it. But a time comes when you have to live life for yourself--possibly by yourself. After piles of paperwork & endless interviews, I found that this conclusion kept coming back to me. It's time to take some time to find...well...me.
I was introduced to Karlstad University 8 months ago. ISU's communication department had worked with the faculty at Karlstad to create a study abroad program oriented towards Communication Majors. The excitement of the news was equivalent to winning 12 BINGOS. Ha! Don't all great things seem that way at first glance? There were definitely times during this process where I felt insecure about my decision, wondering if my application would even be accepted. Magically, somehow I made it to the visa stage, getting my last few documents sent off to the Migration Agency so I can prepare for my departure in January! (Knock on wood the rest of my paperwork is a success).
I'm not searching for anything specific, but wandering tends to lead to unknown truths waiting to be discovered. My goal is that traveling to Sweden will paint more than just a coat of responsibility on me, but rather give me the chance to be distant enough to see the full picture. It sounds silly to think that changing your coordinates can create such an impact on how you view your personal world. I want to go study abroad to create a disconnect that will push me to reconnect. It probably sounds like I'm seeking total isolation, but I just need to slow down the pace. People give so much to me so I hope I can come back knowing how to give back to them. I'm not 100% sure what I'll find during this Swedish excursion, but I do know that I'll come back ready to take on whatever is waiting for me here in America.
In a Nutshell: I'm not going on a mission--despite the flag pics. Going out on a limb can be a process! I'm excited for the opportunity to expand my educational horizons. I'm looking forward to receiving my class schedule towards the end of November.