Exchange Lads on Tour
I don't even know where to begin. Five months ago I had such anxiety about coming to Sweden, now I can't even imagine coming home. When I came to Europe the only thing on my mind was places, places, places. When in fact it should have been people, people, people. I wouldn't say Karlstad is the number one vacation spot for most travelers, but for me the 10 pm fikas & horrible accent impressions will always be why it's one of my favorite places. I will never understand how it's possible to feel so impacted by a group of people, even when you've only known them for such a short time. I learned so much about the world & who I want to be in it. I know in Poky that the tumbleweeds get old & the absence of a Target makes me want to scrape my eyes out too, but I promise with my ENTIRE soul that if you look a little longer & see how blessed you are with the wonderful people that surround you-- that you can be anywhere in the world & feel bliss. Now that's way easier said than done-- I am sure I will come home & be in a state of distraught & only eat fruit loops for a week (We've all been there). But, I really intend to try to love where I'm at--even when I'm cruising down Yellowstone Avenue in my dented Dodge Neon. It's been a nostalgic week for me. I'm thankful for people & love. For the people I love back home & the people I love here. Before this turns into an acceptance speech... just thanks! Tack Tack!
In a Nutshell: Here's a tribute to the best group chat I have ever been apart of "Exchange Lads on Tour." You are what made my exchange, just like how my baseball hats are what made me American. So much love to you all!