Although our luggage was lost for 24 hrs & the number of bruises that traced my legs after biking in the city traffic were uncountable, Berlin made quite the impression. We pedaled our legs off to see different sites around the city. We were rained on so hard one day, that we took shelter at the cutest pizzeria. Everything felt so spontaneous. That's why traveling is so incredible, you never know what you'll see, who you'll meet, or even what you'll eat! Everyone can go to the same places and have completely unique experiences.
The history in this city & the memorials standing to remind us about the lives of those in the Holocaust left an impact I'll never forget. So much history is found in Berlin that goes far beyond even brats & pretzels. Spending time here made me realize that I should take more time to appreciate historical significance. From people to places, everything is one huge archive. I'm grateful for the chance to learn from mistakes, just like how history teaches us that we can create better futures.
In a Nutshell: Considering that I almost did a front flip off my bike in search of the perfect mules that I never found...still hurts my heart. But, overall glad Jess & I got to explore some culture that hit close to home with our ancestors! For you, Grandpa!